For college students, it’s all about price versus time. Most colleges operate on a 15- week semester. Therefore, a three semester hour course lasts 15 weeks. If you are a student at an online school, it may be shortened to 8 weeks, but it is still quite lengthy compared to our courses. You can complete one of our courses in 15 to 20 hours. And the price is about 40% of what you pay if you are attending a four-year university. In other words, a long weekend is all that is needed to complete one of our three semester hour courses.
The possibilities are endless. Imagine completing a semester or even a year’s worth of courses in the summer prior to matriculating in the Fall. Think of completing an entire semester’s worth of work in three weeks. And best of all, think of the dreaded course, for example, accounting. You know, the one course you put off until right before graduation. We have that course. It is probably accounting or finance or statistics or economics.
So review our site tabs to get more information on price and accreditation and how we can condense a 15 week three semester hour course to 15 to 20 hours.