Most corporations provide some sort of tuition assistance to their employees who have decided to either take courses at a community college or four-year college or actually pursue a degree. Our business courses are priced at $750; therefore, if you have a significant number of employees returning to school, we are able to provide you with savings in the thousands. In addition, if you will view the tab discussing accreditation, you will see that our courses are accepted throughout the nation. Both of these variables are important but the single variable that stands out with respect to our courses is time. You can actually complete one of our three semester hour courses in 15 to 20 hours. Obviously, this will save your employees many, many hours of time since the typical three semester hour course is 15 weeks.
Since you are responsible for training, you either maintain a large database of training courses that you have developed or perhaps purchased off-the-shelf. None of these courses receive college credit. By adding our courses to that database, you will be providing your employees with an opportunity to acquire various business skills and at the same time earn college credit.