The price of each course is $750. The nationwide average price per semester hour is approximately $600 ($594 to be exact). Thus, the average cost of a three semester hour course is $1800 plus fees and textbooks. The total cost is approximately $2000. If you are attending or plan to attend a four-year college, expect to pay approximately $2000 for a three semester hour 15 week course. We charge $750 for a three semester hour 15 to 20 hour course. Obviously, the contrast is striking.
If you are attending or plan to attend a community college, the cost per semester hour is significantly less than a four-year school. For example, in Virginia, your cost per semester hour is approximately $185 (tuition and fees). Add to this the textbook cost of $100 and the total is $655 – very close to $750. On the other hand, if you are attending a community college in North Carolina, the cost per credit hour may be as low as $80; therefore, a three semester hour course is $240 which is not close to $750.
Since our courses can be completed in 15 to 20 hours as opposed to 15 weeks, there is an obvious trade-off between cost and time. That makes it an easy decision at a community college in Virginia, but not in North Carolina. If you’re attending a four-year school, earning course credit with our courses is a no-brainer.